Žan GradDoctoral student at CAMGSD, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon.

My research interests include Lie theory, differential geometry and topology, in relation to category theory and mathematical physics.

My CV is available here.

Short bio

2021-ongoing: Doing a PhD on the topic of Lie categories and Yang-Mills theory for multiplicative Ehresmann connections at CAMGSD, Instituto Superior Técnico, under supervision of Ioan Mărcuț and Pedro Resende.

2020-2021: Teaching assistant of mathematics at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.

2020: M. Sc. in Pure Mathematics at University of Ljubljana, FMF. Thesis: Gauge field theory, Yang–Mills–Higgs equations and spin structures on Lorentzian manifolds, supervised by Sašo Strle.

2017: B. Sc. in Physics at University of Ljubljana, FMF. Thesis: Wave function collapse upon measuring the number of photons in a cavity.


zan.grad [[at]] tecnico.ulisboa.pt